Высокорейтинговые публикации

В высокорейтинговом журнале "Вопросы философии" № 2 (2022) опубликованы статьи преподавателей философского факультета МГУ:




В высокорейтинговом журнале "Logic and Logical Philosophy" (2022) вышла статья аспиранток кафедры логики Марии Михайловны Легейдо и Антонины Викторовны Коньковой "Intensional Semantics for Syllogistics:what Leibniz and Vasiliev Have in Common"

Abstract. This article deals with an alternative interpretation of syllogis-tics, different from the classical (extensional) one: an intensional one, inwhich subject and predicate are not associated with a set of individuals (theextension of the concept) but a set of attributes (the content of the concept).The authors of the paper draw attention to the fact that this approachwas first proposed by Leibniz in works on logical calculus, which for a longtime remained in the shadow of his other philosophical works. Currently,the intensional approach is gaining more and more popularity due to the de-velopment of non-classical logics, and the article will present several existingintensional formal syllogistic semantics.The paper will also consider another historical approach to syllogistics,associated with the name of the Russian logician Nikolai Vasiliev, who is notonly one of the founders of non-classical (non-Aristotelian logic) but alsoof a different intensional interpretation of such logic. The authors, alongwith the already known formalizations of Vasiliev’s ideas, present two newsystems. One of them is a reconstruction of one type of imaginary logic withstatements of three qualities: affirmative and two types of negative state-ments (with absolute and ordinary negation). The second system is the onethat is adequate to semantics, in which instead of the four classical ones,only three types of statements are presented (two particular statements arereplaced by one  accidental), and their significance is determined throughthe relation of the classical logical entailment. Both of them are interpretedintensionally.The intensional approach in logic and, in particular, in syllogistics al-lows us to expand the class of accepted principles (which occurs due to theexpansion of the class of correct moods of syllogisms).


В новой рубрике "Высокорейтинговые публикации" мы рассказываем о статьях сотрудников, аспирантов и студентов философского факультета МГУ в ведущих научных журналах, входящих в первый и второй квартиль по философии.